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Command: The miracle of rebirth [ Non Fiction ]


Mystical, provocative, a miracle of course, Command deserves un- derstanding and a meditative analysis. It teaches the gospel truth and the true relationship between the kingdom of God on Earth and the kingdom of God in Heaven. The bridge between the two are courage, action, awareness, understanding, belief, faith, perseverance, pain, peace, joy, life and death.

Mystical, provocative, a miracle of course, Command deserves un- derstanding and a meditative analysis. It teaches the gospel truth and the true relationship between the kingdom of God on Earth and the kingdom of God in Heaven. The bridge between the two are courage, action, awareness, understanding, belief, faith, perseverance, pain, peace, joy, life and death.

Mystical, provocative, a miracle of course, Command deserves un- derstanding and a meditative analysis. It teaches the gospel truth and the true relationship between the kingdom of God on Earth and the kingdom of God in Heaven. The bridge between the two are courage, action, awareness, understanding, belief, faith, perseverance, pain, peace, joy, life and death.

Mystical, provocative, a miracle of course, Command deserves un- derstanding and a meditative analysis. It teaches the gospel truth and the true relationship between the kingdom of God on Earth and the kingdom of God in Heaven. The bridge between the two are courage, action, awareness, understanding, belief, faith, perseverance, pain, peace, joy, life and death.


Chapter One Pro

Every man or woman is a God with a capital G. We are all God's chil- dren, regardless of whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, brown, white, yellow.

Chapter Two Pro

The next secret is that everyone must understand and know the fact that there is no such reality as death. Death and life are opposites that must be engaged in freely and proudly. Lack of this knowledge and understanding is one of man's greatest illness.

Chapter Three Pro

With the power of the indwelling holy spirit, man becomes his true nature... God in expression creating his own miracles and magics, easily and effortlessly.

Chapter Four Pro

Emerson said every act rewards itself. When you love everything around you, they become your alley.

Chapter Five Pro

Discover God, get to know him and obey and work with his laws and your life will be the envy and glory of the universe.

Chapter Six Pro

Man and God are the only being that live simultaneously on earth and in heaven.

Chapter Seven Pro

Knowing who you are is discovering the god within and around you. It is discovering your work and gift on earth.

Uwa Offiah, growing up in Africa, had big dreams of becoming a successful businessman and making millions! But God had a different calling for him. "Go and preach my message to the world!"

Uwa Offiah, Author

The Author,

Uwa Offiah is a Howard University Graduate. After being in the business world, his new major objective is to start preaching God’s message to the world.

Command: The miracle of rebirth

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